OMC always appreciates volunteers. Our school needs parent volunteers in the following areas:

  • Lunchtime class monitors – one hour time commitment
  • Field trip chaperones – 4.5 hour time commitment
  • Spirit Day volunteers – 4.5 hour time commitment
  • Hot Lunch teams – 1.5 hour time commitment
  • CYO coaches and coordinators – time commitment varies by sport
  • School musical production teams – time commitment varies
  • Supervisors for service trips – 1-2 hours per trip
  • Social volunteers – time commitment varies by event

All volunteers must obtain the proper clearances before they begin volunteering. OMC follows the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s Office for Child and Youth Protection requirements for all volunteers who may come into contact with children. Minors under the age of 18 are not required to receive clearances. For more information on the requirements, please refer to the Office for Child and Youth Protection FAQ Page.

Clearances must be renewed every 5 years. Archdiocesan policy requires the following clearances:

Clearances for Volunteers Living in Pennsylvania for Less than 10 years:

Clearances for Volunteers Living in Pennsylvania Continuously for 10 years:

Volunteers for OMC who have regular contact with children must also complete the following trainings:

If you have questions related to the Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Certification, please contact the ChildLine Verification Unit at 1-877-371-5422.

If you have questions about the Pennsylvania State Police Request for Criminal History Record, please call: 1-888-783-7972.

If you have questions about FBI clearances, contact the ChildLine Verification Unit at 717-783-6211 or 1-877-371-5422. For IDEMIA registration, processing, or billing questions, please contact IDEMIA/IdentoGo at 1-844-321-2101.