OMC is committed to teaching the whole child. This means that in addition to our focus on academics, students are taught to be responsible members of society.
We are a strong academic school, but it is just as important that we teach students how to be good human beings.
This commitment is embodied by the Code of Courtesy. The Code of Courtesy was created by OMC teachers over 10 years ago to help students develop ever increasing levels of respect for one’s self and others. The goal is to promote responsibility in the educational process and an understanding of the value of putting forth one’s best effort in all things.
The Code of Courtesy has three themes:
- Be Respectful
- Be Responsible
- Do Your Best
As with their schoolwork, the expectations of behavior addressed in the Code of Courtesy becomes more encompassing with each new grade. Students learn principles related to each theme beginning in kindergarten, and then add new ones every year. Each classroom displays a chart dedicated to the three themes, and a list of age-appropriate principles that apply to implementing each theme.
There are just a few principles in Kindergarten. As a child progresses, new principles are added until eighth grade where there is an extensive list.