Eighth-grader Peter Finn Amuso, our 2023 Neumann Scholar Award Winner and highest-scoring student in the Neumann Scholarship Examination.
OMC student standardized test scores rank among the highest in the Archdiocese and are well above the national averages across all areas of the curriculum. Students at OMC have a proven record of academic excellent and win scholarships at the archdiocesan high schools of their choice. The class of 2023 earned over $500,000 in scholarships to the high schools of their choice.
Our core curriculum adheres to that of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. It meets the Common Core Standards of the State of Pennsylvania while adding religious instruction to allow students to deepen their relationship with Christ. Furthermore, OMC provides specialized learning opportunities during and after the school day.
Ordinarily, class sizes do not exceed 25. Every student has the opportunity to express and receive the personalized attention that is critical to a 21st-century education.
Our preschool and lower grades establish a solid foundation across the entire curriculum while our upper grades have gained a strong reputation as a “high school prep” program. OMC graduates report that their academic transition to high school is very smooth and that often they are ahead of their classmates due to the rigorous academic training instilled at OMC.
Education for the 21st Century
Executives say that the 21st century requires more effective workers who come out of school ready to work with skills applicable to a new interconnected, global workplace. Critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication skills are identified as vital to success in the workforce.
OMC students are challenged regularly and across the curriculum to create written, constructed responses during class and in assignments.
Teacher-led Socratic class discussions stimulate analytical thought and contribute to the development of critical thinking skills. Classroom projects and group work encourage collaboration and communication skills as well as creativity which are supported further by our school-wide Fine Arts program. Student-directed instruction provides a forum for each student to present and demonstrate personal, unique knowledge.
Weekly technology classes teach and enhance the proper, effective use of the global network. The use of technology spans the breadth of curriculum areas. Technology instruction, along with lessons in Library Science, helps students develop the skills to find accurate, viable information and therefore become more effective self-learners.
Writing skills are emphasized in all grades. Students learn to communicate what they know and believe through the written word. All young children are capable of learning a second language with ease if given the opportunity. At OMC all students – Pre-K through 8th – receive weekly Spanish instruction. Upon graduation, they are conversant in one of the most common languages on the planet.
Elementary school is the time to begin preparing the 21st-century worker. Here at OMC we promote and impart the academic excellence that will serve our students throughout their lives.
Statement of Accreditation
“The Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Elementary Schools affirms that Our Mother of Consolation School has demonstrated to evaluators of the Commission on Elementary Schools that it is effectively advancing the quality of educational experiences it offers its students and meets its responsibilities to the public and to the profession of education and complies with standards for accreditation that are established by the Commission on Elementary Schools and approved by the membership of the Association and is therefore granted accreditation for a period of ten years from this date, subject to the terms of accreditation maintenance set by the Commission on Elementary Schools.”